
Who owns skype technologies inc
Who owns skype technologies inc

who owns skype technologies inc who owns skype technologies inc who owns skype technologies inc

Microsoft Skype Division désigne le département de la société Microsoft issu du rachat de l'entreprise Skype Technologies en mai 2011.Im April 2010 hatte es weltweit 560 Millionen Nutzer. Im Geschäftsjahr 2004 erwirtschaftete Skype einen Umsatz von 7 Millionen Dollar. 2011 kaufte Microsoft Skype Technologies. Erfolgreich entwickelte und betrieb es das Programm Skype und wurde so zum weltgrößten Anbieter für Internet-Telefonie. Skype Technologies SA war ein Internettelefonie-Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Luxemburg und Büros in England und Estland.At the end of 2005 ASI sold its shares to eBay and operates as a private investment company ever since. The Ambient Sound Investments was established in 2003 as an equal partnership by four founding engineers at Skype Technologies to hold their minority stakes. Then Microsoft acquired it for $ 8,5BN in 2011. ĮBay bought Skype in September 2005 for $ 2.6 billion. But there was one crazy investor' Ashton Kutcher from US who invested at Skype and got a nice return of 1000 times back from it just a few years later. Patent applications are visible at the European Patent Office.Īs the legend goes only few believed in peer-to-Peer technology in Estonia at the time and local investors made no contribution to it. The very first version of the Skype was released in August 2003. Domain names and were registered as wasn’t available. The priority date of the patent family goes back as far as 16.07. Two more developers - Jaan Tallinn and Toivo Annus contributed to Skype and are known as Skype founders also. Applicant of the patent is Skype LTD (Originally Skyper), which was founded by Swedish entrepreneur Niklas Zennström and Dane Janus Friis. In a nutshell it's a peer-to-peer telephone system and method, which was invented and written by Estonian software developers Ahti Heinla and Priit Kasesalu. it is probably the most well known Estonian invention and brand in the World today. Skype is the software application which allows to make phone calls over the internet.

Who owns skype technologies inc